Today I was a Farum Arena and saw the national game between Denmark and Montenegro..
Nice too see some good basketball, but Denmark still lost (I had foreseen this)… Denmark was a young team, and are still using these games to learn from… Give it a few years.. or maybe 5.. and then it will begin to be interesting..
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The Ladies team are now starting to come together…
A few new players have arrived, all seem happy and it looks more and more like a team each practice… A few players are going on holiday the next few weeks.. But I hope this won’t affect the practices too much..
I got news yesterday, that the team has been accepted into the 2. division and into the trophy tournament.. 😀
Looking forward to next practice…
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So… I had my first practice at Herlev Basket yesterday, coaching girls (’94-’97)…
Before the vacation I only had 3-4 girls at each practice, so I was very pleased to see 6 of the girls from the previous season and two new girls… Besides of that, I had two cancellations.. So, it’s starting to come together… 😀
The girls thought the practice was hard… Well.. I must have done something right 😉
I’m looking forward to fridays practice
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Last week my Degu, Spids, died.. Probably of old age… 🙁 Hard couple of days…
This Saturday I got two Chinchillas, the cutest two creatures in the world.. They are “medium ebony”.. and not standard chinchilla-grey…
These first couple of days has been fantastic…. They are both very friendly and curious…
I’m looking forward to some great times with these two guys…
First of all I’m trying to name them… A friend of mine suggested “Pinky and Brain”.. My own best idea at this time i “Sam & Max”… (also thought of “Tux & Beastie”)

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In the season 09/10, I’m involved with quite a few teams…
I’m going to coach the following teams:
Ladies-Team in BMS
Girls/Juniors (94,95,96,97) in Herlev
Motionists (Older(25+) mixed players for fun) in BMS
Besides of that I myself am going to play for the 2. Mens team in BMS, and practice with the 1. team….
It’s going to be quite a busy season… 😀
The Girls/Juniors starts on the 12. of august…
The Motionists starts on the 19. and myself and the Ladies have been practicing through the Summer, but are going to step up the intensity from the comming (17.) monday…
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