Diablo 3 – Blizzard still rules, also on Linux
For years and years I (as many others) have waited for Diablo 3. And now it’s finally here!!
For all gaming Linux people, one of the biggest excitements about new games is if they will run under Wine.
And Diablo 3 does.. Almost…
There are still some patching which haven’t (yet) been merged into standard wine, but besides of that it really runs well.
If you want to follow the way I run Diablo 3 on my Alienware X11M, here it goes:
CBS – Ready??
I now think I have gotten the last problems sorted out, and CBS is now running perfectly on my CentOS server..
Signing service is now also working..
I’m still missing a few RHEL dependencies, but I hope to get this sorted out soon…
Once again, the installation instructions:
First of all, remember to setup either DNS or /etc/hosts to match hostname of the server…
wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/RHEL-CBS.repo http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/martin-juhl:/branches:/openSUSE:/Tools/RHEL_6/home:martin-juhl:branches:openSUSE:Tools.repo
wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-CBS.repo http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/martin-juhl:/branches:/openSUSE:/Tools/CentOS_6/home:martin-juhl:branches:openSUSE:Tools.repo
For dependencies we also need the EPEL repository:
rpm -ivh http://ftp.crc.dk/fedora-epel/6/i386/epel-release-6-5.noarch.rpm
yum install obs-web-httpd obs-server obs-worker obs-api mysql-server
chkconfig obsworker on
chkconfig iptables off
chkconfig mysqld on
service mysqld start
/etc/init.d/obsapisetup start
mv /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf.bak
chkconfig httpd on
chkconfig obssignd on
Now go the servers IP-adresse/Hostname for the web-interface…
Login: Admin
Pass: opensuse
CBS – Quick Update
Just a quick update on the CBS project:
Everything seems to be running now, except for the obssigner..
obssigner needs obs-signd installed, and right now I have some problems building some of the dependencies.. but we’re moving forward..
If you have any comments/bugs/experiences .. feel free to contact me on Twitter.
CBS – CentOS Build Service – Ready for Testing
Hi all
A quick howto, on installing CBS/OBS on CentOS 6/RHEL 6:
wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/RHEL-CBS.repo http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/martin-juhl:/branches:/openSUSE:/Tools/RHEL_6/home:martin-juhl:branches:openSUSE:Tools.repo
wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-CBS.repo http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/martin-juhl:/branches:/openSUSE:/Tools/CentOS_6/home:martin-juhl:branches:openSUSE:Tools.repo
yum install obs-web-httpd obs-server obs-worker obs-api mysql-server
chkconfig obsworker on
chkconfig mysqld on
service mysqld start
/etc/init.d/obsapisetup start
mv /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf.bak
chkconfig httpd on
Now go the servers IP-adresse/Hostname for the web-interface…
Login: Admin
Pass: opensuse
New Project – OBS for CentOS/RHEL
Hi all
Time for YASP (Yet Another Sparetime Project)…
I have now for some time been using OBS (OpenSuSE Build Services) in my local home environment, as well as at several customers…
If you are using a packaged based distribution (RHEL/CentOS/SLES/OpenSuSE/Ubuntu/Debian and more) and in some way are creating your own packages, I will really suggest you to take a look into this project..
It’s basically a build server with a web interface. Packages are built in small environment and all dependencies are handled by the server (of caused speficied by the user)..
SuSE has been behind this project for some time now, and it’s generally working pretty good.. Either you can use SuSE’s own server to build your packages or get your own local installation..
This local installation is limited to a SuSE machine at the moment, and this is where I see a small problem..
In my work as a Consultant I see a lot of customers using Red Hat or CentOS, and some of these guys will not easily allow installation of a SuSE based distribution.
Therefore I have taken up the challenge to port the OBS server to CentOS/RHEL.
For now I have gotten the packages built (which wasn’t always easy), and have started modifying the startup scripts. In time I plan to start modifying the theme as well, and maybe come up with a name for this fork (Maybe CBS, CentOS Build Services)..
If anyone has an interest of following the progress, and maybe trying out the result, then to repository is available here and the source code here.
Dommerplanlægning til Danske Basket klubber
Planlægning af Dommerbord og Dommere har tidligere været en hård tjans, og har været en MEGET manuel process. Som oftes har det været noget de forskellige danske klubber har håndteret med et regneark, der blevet sendt rundt til trænerne
Jeg har brugt det meste af for/efteråret på at prøve at give at alternativ til dommerplanlæggerne i de danske klubber.. I starten var det et meget primitivt project, men nu er produktet i en tilstand hvor alle burde kunne få glæde af det.
Så hvis jeres/din klub gerne vil løse dommerplanlægningen lidt nemmere, så kig forbi www.dommerplan.dk.
Software er gratis og opensource, men vi har valgt at give mulighed for tilkøb af support..
God fornøjelse og spred budskabet..
Ironhide is sleeping – but not forever
Hi all..
Just wanted to write a few words..
First of all, thanks for all the support and the great feedback I’ve had over the last 7-8 months.. It has really been a ride..
Over the last few month my job situation has changed, I’m a Consultant and right now I’m at a place where I don’t have as much spare time as I used to have.. mainly caused by longer transport times..
So for the next 3-4 months there probably will be very limited support and probably no updates to ironhide…
I will be back though, and hopefully even stronger than before..
In the meantime, please help each other out (as you are doing) or check out TBP (The Bumblebee Project).. The guys over there are doing some great work, so go check it out..
Also just to clarify.. I haven’t got anything to do with the Bumblebee project anymore (expect for providing the original solution)… But we might merge again in the future… only time will tell..
Again.. Thanks for your support, and you’ll hear from me again in May….